Mount and blade 1257
Mount and blade 1257

mount and blade 1257

I primarily play native and Prophesy of Pendor which are straightforward in the 5 or so faction dynamics and pushing one to succeed. I have not played AD 1257 so i cannot speak to any changes it may make for kingdom building and conquest. I commend anybody who's actually done it without cheating or using a mod that makes it easier. It's incredibly frustrating and seems absolutely pointless.

mount and blade 1257

And once you do manage to conquer a castle, you are guaranteed to lose it because, like I said earlier, the lords you put in the castle to reinforce it will leave days later. You tell them to follow you so you can make sieges easier by having more troops? They'll just desert you while you wait for the ladders or the siege tower to be put up. And when you do tell them to leave, say to reinforce an under strength castle, they'll just leave a few days later and head back to their own castle. This is all because your lords vastly prefer staying inside their own castle and never leaving unless you tell them to. You literally have to do everything your self, from besieging enemy-held castles to defending your lord's castles to staying inside recently conquered castles so they don't immediately fall to a counterattack. If it ever comes under siege, your lords never bother to come to the rescue. And here's the big problem with that, if there's ever an understrength castle in your domain, your lords never bother to reinforce it.

mount and blade 1257

And so you're forced to recruit lords since they can just magically spawn troops out of thin air by "resting" in a castle for a few days.

mount and blade 1257

Yes, it's definitely possible, but you can't do it by yourself because you can't recruit anywhere near the tens of thousands of troops to do it. You can spend hundreds of hours trying to conquer the entire map, but still be less than a quarter of the way there.

Mount and blade 1257